Lode Resources Ltd (ASX:LDR) Reports Strong Silver Intercepts

Drilling Success at Webbs Consol

Lode Resources Ltd (ASX:LDR) announced outstanding drilling results from its Webbs Consol Silver Project in New South Wales, revealing significant silver and zinc mineralisation. Recent diamond drill holes at the Castlereagh and Webbs Consol North prospects confirmed previously reported high-grade intercepts, extending the mineralisation depth.

Highlight intercepts include 6.6m at 246 g/t AgEq and 7.61% ZnEq from WCS 091 and 7.0m at 220 g/t AgEq and 6.80% ZnEq from WCS 092. Additional assays from WCS 083 reported 7.0m at 215 g/t AgEq and 6.67% ZnEq, consolidating the positive trend for this site.

Future Exploration Plans

The successful drill results compel Lode Resources to continue extending the boundaries of this mineralised lode. An initial Mineral Resource Exploration Target is set for 2025, projecting the potential for high-grade silver-zinc zones beneath the current identified lodes.

Lode Resources is also considering targets further south in the Tangoa area, building on historical insights from CRA Exploration in the 1980s. Executive Director Jason Beckton remarked, “The Castlereagh lode is shaping up to be a significant addition to the Webbs Consol Silver Project with continuous zones of above 100 Ag equivalent intercepted.”

Well-Funded for Continued Exploration

Lode Resources remains well-funded to advance exploration at both the Webbs Consol Silver and Uralla Gold Projects, as well as the Montezuma Antimony Project in Tasmania. The company continues to leverage its 100% ownership of the project, potentially ensuring a robust platform for future developments.

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Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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