Cygnus Metals Limited (ASX:CY5) Completes Merger with Doré Copper

Merger Completion

Cygnus Metals Limited (ASX: CY5) has successfully completed its merger with Doré Copper Mining Corp., finalising the agreement through a Canadian statutory plan of arrangement. This merger has created a dual-listed exploration and development company focusing on critical minerals in Quebec, with significant assets including the Chibougamau Copper and Gold Project and the James Bay Lithium Projects.

Financial Position and Strategy

The merged entity boasts over A$14 million in cash, which supports its upcoming copper exploration and resource extension programs. Cygnus plans to initiate a drilling and geophysics program early in the new year, capitalising on the operational synergies from the merger. Executive Chair David Southam expressed confidence in the merger’s potential, stating, “By combining the proven exploration and management skills of the Cygnus team with the high-grade resource and immense upside at the Chibougamau Copper-Gold Project, we have the potential to unlock substantial value.”

Board and Executive Outlook

The newly formed board consists of six members representing both companies, with David Southam as Executive Chair and Ernest Mast as President and Managing Director. The integration aims to leverage their combined expertise to drive growth and resource expansion at the Chibougamau project, reinforcing the company’s strategic direction in a high-demand copper market.

Future Plans and Shareholder Guidance

As the merged group prepares to enhance operational capabilities, further exploration results are expected to be announced early in Q1 CY2025. Both companies’ shareholders are encouraged to remain engaged as Cygnus pursues its ambitious resource growth agenda.

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