Lycaon Resources Ltd (ASX:LYN) Appoints Tony Rovira as Non-Executive Director

Board Appointment

Lycaon Resources Ltd (ASX: LYN) has appointed Tony Rovira as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 January 2025. Rovira, a respected mining executive, brings over 40 years of industry experience. His recent role was as Managing Director of Azure Minerals, where he led the discovery of the Andover Lithium Deposit, culminating in a $1.7 billion takeover by Hancock Prospecting and SQM.

As part of his board role, Rovira will invest $360,000 in Lycaon through the placement of 4,000,000 shares at $0.09 each, reflecting the company’s closing share price before this announcement. Rovira’s investment signals strong confidence in Lycaon’s growth trajectory and strategic initiatives.

Board Changes

Concurrently, James Robinson transitions from Non-Executive Director to Executive Director, and Ranko Matic resigns from the board. Chairman Adrian Di Menna expressed excitement over Rovira’s appointment, noting his technical and leadership experience’s invaluable contribution to the company’s objectives.

Future Outlook

Lycaon Resources plans a strategic review of its asset portfolio and will continue to explore new acquisition opportunities within Australia and internationally. The planned share placement and the issuance of director options, pending shareholder approval, aim to support the company’s strategic goals.

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