AML3D Limited (ASX:AL3) Supports AUKUS Supply Chain

Component Delivery for Virginia-Class Submarines

AML3D Limited (ASX:AL3) has successfully delivered Copper-Nickel components for the U.S. Navy’s Virginia-Class nuclear submarine program. Valued at approximately A$156,000, these prototype tailpiece components will undergo testing and in-service trials in 2025. This accomplishment marks a significant step in supporting the AUKUS partnership through enhanced manufacturing capabilities.

Efficiency and Production Timeline

The components were produced using AML3D’s advanced additive manufacturing technology, showcasing remarkable efficiency by being delivered in less than five weeks compared to a traditional 17-month lead time. This achievement underscores AML3D’s role in establishing a resilient trilateral supply chain for the AUKUS partnership, meeting urgent material readiness needs for U.S. submarines.

Recognition and Endorsements

Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles acknowledged AML3D’s contribution, noting that the local production of U.S. submarine components exemplifies the active AUKUS initiative. Admiral Jonathan Rucker from the U.S. Program Executive Office Attack Submarines highlighted the critical role of collaborations like that with AML3D in sustaining Virginia-Class submarines.

CEO Insights

Sean Ebert, CEO of AML3D, stated, “…we have created a successful model that includes cross-continental coordination, information sharing, and the deployment of our ARCEMY advanced 3D metal printing technology across a network of U.S. defense industry and academic experts…” His comments reflect the ongoing commitment to bridge supply chain gaps within the defence sector through innovative technologies.

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