Medallion Metals Limited (ASX:MM8) Provides EPBC Referral Update

EPBC Referral Progress

Medallion Metals Limited (ASX: MM8) has announced progress in the permitting activities for the Ravensthorpe Gold Project under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The company has reached the Referral Decision stage of the assessment for project 2024/10045.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) oversees environmental approvals, with relevant information now available for public consultation. This period will last for 10 business days, during which stakeholders can submit their comments. The feedback will be crucial in determining if the action is controlled or not under the EPBC Act.

The outcome of this referral is vital for the development timeline of the Ravensthorpe Gold Project, particularly as the company awaits the referral decision due by 5 February 2025. Approval under the EPBC Act remains the primary outstanding consent necessary for the project to advance.

Medallion acknowledges that timely progression in permitting, alongside negotiations for the Forrestania acquisition, will significantly influence their development strategy.

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