Trinex Minerals Limited (ASX: TX3) Highlights Dudley Lithium Project Progress

Trinex Minerals Limited (ASX: TX3) has announced significant progress in its Dudley Lithium Project, with detailed soil geochemistry highlighting prospective trends for drilling. The project features extensive fractionated pegmatites, some up to six kilometres in length, which remain untested by drilling.

Geochemistry Results

The company has received assays from a recent 1,100 sample soil program that was strategically planned across the most promising areas of the tenement to identify lithium (Li) and pathfinder element anomalism. The results from the Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) technique have delineated numerous new anomalous areas, confirming the presence of multiple extensive pegmatite targets.

Drilling Program

An Exploration Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (EPEPR) for a reverse circulation drilling program has been submitted to the South Australian Department for Energy and Mining. Trinex aims to commence drilling early in 2025 following the receipt of the necessary approvals.

Executive Comments

Will Dix, Managing Director of Trinex Minerals, stated, “The sampling at Dudley has confirmed that there are multiple extensive pegmatite targets that require drilling through the weathered zone to be effectively tested. We are excited to commence drilling on the Dudley Project in early 2025.”

The Dudley Lithium Project, located on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, is structured under a farm-in agreement with South Australia Lithium Pty Ltd (SALi), allowing Trinex to earn up to a 90% interest over four years.

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