VRX Silica Limited (ASX:VRX) EPA Recommends Arrowsmith North Development
EPA Recommendation
VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) announced that the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia (EPA) has published its Assessment Report for the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. The EPA has recommended that the development proposal be implemented, contingent upon certain accepted conditions.
The publication of the Assessment Report marks a significant advancement in the environmental approvals process. This recommendation follows previous consultation between the EPA and VRX, confirming the project’s compliance with necessary requirements.
Next Steps in Approval Process
The publication triggers a three-week review period before the Minister for Environment considers the development proposal. During this time, the report will be subject to appeals handled by an independent appeals convenor, if any arise. Following this review, the Minister will make a final decision regarding the project under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act.
Executive Comments
Bruce Maluish, Managing Director of VRX, expressed enthusiasm about the EPA’s recommendation. He stated, “This is a significant milestone for the company, with the EPA recommending that the Arrowsmith North development proposal be implemented subject to conditions accepted by VRX following consultation with the EPA.”
Maluish highlighted the diligent efforts of VRX and its consultants throughout the permitting process, stating, “The company is now on the cusp of opening up a new industry in the Midwest region of Western Australia, with employment and other long-term benefits flowing to the State.”
Company Overview
VRX Silica Limited focuses on developing its 100% owned silica sand projects, including those at Arrowsmith North, Muchea, and Boyatup in Western Australia. The Arrowsmith North project is expected to have a minimum 25-year mine life, producing over 2 million tonnes annually of high-grade silica sand for various markets.
Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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