Cobalt Blue Holdings Limited (ASX:COB) Reports Strong Progress in Quarterly Activities
Kwinana Cobalt Refinery (KCR) Updates
Cobalt Blue Holdings Limited (ASX:COB) has provided significant updates in its latest quarterly activities report, detailing advancements on the Kwinana Cobalt Refinery (KCR). The refinery aims to produce high-quality battery-grade cobalt sulphate, essential for US and EU markets. The revised capital cost estimate for KCR’s initial stage stands at A$60 million, with expected annual EBITDA of A$24 million and a post-tax internal rate of return of 23%. Construction is projected to commence in 2025, with an operational target set for the latter half of 2026.
Broken Hill Cobalt Project (BHCP) Developments
The Broken Hill Cobalt Project continues to evolve, with assessments on equipment selection to optimise operations. Notably, COB is exploring opportunities for remining sulphur and battery metals from mine waste. This strategy aligns with ongoing assessments across multiple continents, targeting sustainable mineral recovery while addressing environmental concerns.
Corporate Activities and Financial Performance
During the reporting quarter, COB initiated a 1:5 pro-rata entitlement issue at A$0.072 per new share, aiming to raise approximately A$6.08 million. Concurrently, an operational review led to a reduction in headcount, expected to yield annual savings of A$1.7 million. The company’s cash position at the end of December amounted to A$5.39 million, following net cash outflows primarily due to operational and exploration activities.
Strategic Partnerships and Market Outlook
Cobalt Blue remains committed to stakeholder engagement, advancing discussions with approximately 30 international companies for potential offtake agreements. CEO Joe Kaderavek highlighted the need for strategic partnerships in response to increased global demand for cobalt, particularly in battery production. The long-term outlook indicates a demand growth in cobalt that may surpass supply growth, influencing future pricing dynamics.
Motley Fool contributor Aaron Shaw has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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