Green Critical Minerals Ltd (ASX:GCM) Achieves Major Pilot Plant Milestone

Pilot Plant Performance

Green Critical Minerals Ltd (ASX: GCM) announces a significant milestone with its VHD Technology pilot plant in New South Wales. The first run of Line 1 has successfully completed, yielding 12 test samples of VHD graphite. These samples demonstrated exceptional results, exceeding industry benchmarks with no optimisation required, marking a significant achievement in the wet commissioning process.

Density Test Results

The initial test samples, which are coin-sized with a diameter of 25mm and thickness of 4-7mm, revealed outstanding density metrics. The best average density recorded was 1,959 kg/m³, with a peak density of 1,979 kg/m³. These results surpass the industry standards for nuclear graphite (1,700-1,900 kg/m³) and electrode graphite (1,550-1,800 kg/m³), showcasing the unique potential of GCM’s VHD technology.

Expert Testing and Future Evaluation

The testing was conducted by esteemed materials science expert Professor Andrew Ruys, ensuring credibility in the results. Following this successful initial run, further testing will assess thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity, essential for validating the material’s performance in various applications.

Future Outlook and Executive Comments

Managing Director Clinton Booth expressed his enthusiasm regarding the results, stating, “Achieving such exceptional density properties… is a testament to the quality and potential of our VHD technology.” He also highlighted the growing demand for VHD graphite blocks across multiple sectors, including advanced electronics and renewable energy. Booth noted the Company’s objective to commercialise its VHD technology by the end of 2025, positioning GCM as a leader in high-performance graphite production globally.

Booth concluded by emphasising the transformative potential of their VHD Technology and its environmental and economic benefits, as GCM progresses towards its ambitious future targets.

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Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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