Mt Malcolm Mines NL (ASX:M2M) Reports Successful Bulk Sampling at Golden Crown Prospect
Bulk Sampling Success
Mt Malcolm Mines NL (M2M) has announced impressive results from its ongoing bulk sampling program at the Golden Crown Prospect. The program has yielded a total of 122.4 ounces (3,809 grams) of gold doré to date, confirming the high-grade gold mineralisation at the site.
The most recent phase of the program, conducted in December 2024, resulted in the recovery of 73.9 ounces (2,299 grams) of gold doré. This generated revenue of $278,648 from sales to The Perth Mint Refinery, bringing total revenue from gold doré sales to $449,194.
High-Grade Mineralisation
The gravity-recovered gold per tonne for batches B6 and B7 showed remarkable results, at 7.1 grams per tonne and 11.4 grams per tonne, respectively. This indicates a strong presence of high-grade gold mineralisation at the Golden Crown Prospect. The program involved processing a total of 612 Wet Metric Tonnes (WMT) of material, underlining the ultra-high-grade potential of the area’s mineralisation.
Management Insights
Trevor Dixon, Managing Director of Mt Malcolm Mines NL, remarked, “The bulk sampling program at Golden Crown continues to deliver outstanding results. It is demonstrating the strong potential for economic gold mining at the prospect and reinforcing the Company’s strategy for revenue generation and future full-scale mining projects across the extended Malcolm Project.”
Future Prospects
The ongoing bulk sampling program has proven effective in validating mineralisation grades and enhancing resource modelling accuracy. The final sample batch from the program is currently being processed, with further gold sales anticipated in the coming weeks. The Company is also assessing the remaining stockpile material for processing strategies to maximise economic returns.
The bulk sampling initiative not only validates current operations but also forms the basis for future mining activities and potential expansion at the Golden Crown Prospect, which is a key asset within Mt Malcolm Mines NL’s broader Malcolm Project.
Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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