OD6 Metals Limited (ASX:OD6) Reports High-Grade Copper Results

High-Grade Copper and Gold Assays

OD6 Metals Limited (ASX:OD6) has announced promising surface rock-chip assay results from its Gulf Creek Copper VMS Project in New South Wales. Assays indicate copper levels of up to 12.35% Cu and gold levels reaching 1.04g/t Au. The significant findings include high-grade copper occurrences from weathered malachite-bearing sediments, banded massive sulphides, and gossan samples.

Among the highlights, assay results from banded massive sulphides display up to 11.60% Cu, 0.27g/t Au, and 29.8g/t Ag, demonstrating the project’s substantial mineralisation potential. Further, Murchison Copper Workings, located 1.8km north of Gulf Creek, recorded copper readings of 1.98% Cu and zinc at 0.57% Zn.

Drilling Program Ahead

Brett Hazelden, Managing Director of OD6, stated, “Assays from the rock chip samples collected by OD6 in December continue to show high-grade copper occurrences at the Gulf Creek Copper Project. Drill pads have been sighted and we look forward to commencing the first substantive drill programs ever on this project later this quarter.”

The company plans to conduct further geophysical and geochemical analyses, with a drilling program set to initiate this quarter. This proactive approach aims to capitalise on the historic mining footprint, which underscores the presence of copper-rich volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits characteristic of top-tier global mines.

Future Exploratory Work

OD6 is preparing comprehensive work programs that will integrate historical data with ongoing geological assessments. The company anticipates the first drilling assays will emerge shortly after operations begin, as it forges ahead in the exploration landscape of copper and related minerals.

By revitalising the Gulf Creek site, which has seen minimal exploration in over a century, OD6 aims to uncover untapped resource potential while leveraging modern exploration techniques.

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Motley Fool contributor Aaron Shaw has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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