GTI Energy Ltd (ASX:GTR) Begins Drilling at Lo Herma ISR Uranium Project
Drilling Operations Commenced
GTI Energy Ltd (ASX:GTR) has commenced drilling at the Lo Herma ISR Uranium Project, located in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin. The company is developing three groundwater monitoring wells to facilitate testing that will confirm the aquifer’s suitability for In-Situ Recovery (ISR) mining.
Scoping Study Progress
The Lo Herma Scoping Study is progressing well and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2025. The results from the ongoing aquifer and metallurgical testing are critical inputs for this study, with results anticipated in February 2025.
Bruce Lane, Executive Director of GTI Energy, stated, “Following the recent major uplift in Lo Herma’s uranium resource, now 50% larger at 8.57Mlbs, our immediate focus is to complete a Scoping Study in the first half of 2025. This round of drilling will help confirm the orebody’s suitability for ISR mining.”
Future Outlook and Resource Estimates
The Lo Herma project has undergone significant advancements, with an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) reflecting a 50% increase in total uranium resource pounds. The comprehensive historical data package acquired for the region has been essential for determining the continued exploration potential of the project.
The company also holds additional potential within the Great Divide Basin and other areas, indicating that GTI Energy is positioning itself as a key player in the ISR uranium sector in Wyoming.
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