Marquee Resources Limited (ASX:MQR) Completes Successful Capital Raising

Capital Raising Details

Marquee Resources Limited (ASX:MQR) has successfully completed an oversubscribed share placement, raising a total of $829,153.14 at an issue price of $0.012 per share before costs. The placement reflects strong support from high-net-worth investors and loyal shareholders, highlighting confidence in the company’s strategic direction.

New Shares and Options Issuance

A total of 69,096,095 new shares will be issued under the placement, utilising the Company’s existing share issue capacity as per ASX Listing Rules. Additionally, participants will receive a 1:2 free attaching option, exercisable at $0.05 with a three-year expiry, subject to shareholder approval. Furthermore, 34,548,048 options will be issued, pending approval at an upcoming General Meeting.

Management Commentary

Charles Thomas, Executive Chairman of Marquee Resources Limited, expressed gratitude for the enthusiastic participation of investors, which underscores confidence in the company’s diverse portfolio of projects. He noted, “Their enthusiastic participation underscores their confidence in Marquee’s strategic direction and the significant potential of our diverse portfolio of projects.” The Company plans to hold a General Meeting of shareholders in late February 2025 to seek approval for the options issuance.

Engagement of GTT Ventures

Marquee appointed GTT Ventures as Lead Manager for the Placement, agreeing to pay customary fees including the issuance of 5 million broker options, also subject to shareholder approval.

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