PolyNovo Limited (ASX:PNV) Announces Strong 1H FY25 Trading Results

Trading Highlights

PolyNovo Limited (ASX:PNV) reported a significant increase in revenues for the first half of FY25, with total group revenue reaching A$59.9 million. This marks a growth of 22.8% compared to A$48.8 million for the same period last year.

U.S. sales surged to A$41.2 million, reflecting a remarkable 27.9% rise on the previous year’s A$32.2 million. Meanwhile, sales from the rest of the world reached A$12.9 million, a 28.6% increase from A$10.0 million. Notably, the company achieved its first sales in Malta, Portugal, and Peru, contributing to strong performances in established markets like the UK/I, Spain, Germany, Turkey, and Hong Kong.

Future Outlook

The company plans to release its audited results on 24 February 2025. PolyNovo’s Chief Executive Officer, Swami Raote, remarked, “As we expand the NovoSorb platform beyond difficult burns to a vast Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery space, we are healing patients and impacting positive outcomes more than twice as fast as revenue growth.” Raote also noted a successful meeting with the FDA, indicating that the company has sufficient data to proceed with the PMA approval application.

Technological Advancements

PolyNovo continues to innovate within its advanced wound care sector, leveraging its patented NovoSorb technology. This medical device company is focused on providing exceptional dermal regeneration solutions, positioning itself for future growth in various surgical applications.

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Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has positions in and has recommended PolyNovo. The Motley Fool Australia has recommended PolyNovo. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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