Argent Minerals Limited (ASX: ARD) Discovers New VMS Systems
New VMS Discoveries
Argent Minerals Limited (ASX: ARD) confirmed the discovery of high-grade Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) systems at its Henry’s and Sugarloaf Hill Prospects within the Kempfield Project in New South Wales. The findings emerged from a recent Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling program conducted in September 2024, which comprised 11 drillholes over 724 metres. Significant results suggest substantial mineralisation remains open for further exploration.
Henry’s Prospect Findings
The maiden drilling at Henry’s Prospect revealed a 24-metre thick zone of high-grade VMS mineralisation, yielding notable intersections. Drillhole AKRC271 reported 24m @ 11.84 g/t Ag and 1.44% Cu+Pb+Zn, with a subsection demonstrating even higher grades. The mineralisation extends open along strike and depth.
Sugarloaf Hill Developments
At Sugarloaf Hill, assay results from five recent drillholes have identified a newly discovered VMS zone stretching over 520m in a northeast direction. Significant results from sugarloaf included 46m of mineralisation from surface in drillhole AKRC279, confirming the presence of a promising VMS system.
Future Exploration Plans
Argent Minerals plans to continue its drilling program to further delineate the extent of these promising VMS discoveries. In addition, the company is preparing to assess additional regional targets based on the strength of these initial findings. Argent’s Managing Director, Mr Pedro Kastellorizos, expressed excitement about the regional exploration potential and the continuing expansion of the Kempfield Project’s mineralised footprint.
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