South32 (ASX:S32) Reports Strong Production and Dividends
Production and Operational Achievements
South32 (ASX:S32) has recorded increased production of base metals and a notable 14% boost in alumina production during the December 2024 quarter. Operations in Australia and Brazil demonstrated resilience, yet the company withdrew guidance for Mozal Aluminium due to civil unrest in Mozambique. CEO Graham Kerr stated, “We continued our strong start to the year, maintaining production guidance for all of our operations except Mozal Aluminium.”
Shareholder Returns
During the quarter, South32 returned US$169 million to investors through fully-franked ordinary dividends and the ongoing on-market share buy-back program. This reflects the company’s commitment to returning capital while maintaining a robust balance sheet following the successful divestment of Illawarra Metallurgical Coal. Kerr mentioned that there is US$171 million remaining to be returned to shareholders under the capital management program.
Future Growth Initiatives
The company continues to strengthen its growth pipeline, including the commencement of shaft sinking at Hermosa’s Taylor zinc-lead-silver project. Progress is also evident in the development of an exploration decline for the Clark battery-grade manganese deposit and ongoing exploration drilling at the Peake copper deposit. South32 has also diversified its portfolio with a 19.9% stake in American Eagle Gold Corp. for further exploration prospects in Canada.
Environmental and Safety Updates
South32 reiterated its focus on safety, implementing a multi-year Safety Improvement Program while reflecting on its commitment to safety leadership. They expressed condolences for the tragic incident involving Mr José Luis Pérez at Cerro Matoso and shared that learnings from the situation will drive future safety improvements.
Financial Insights
The company experienced improved sales performance for its aluminium products, increasing sales volumes by 16% for alumina and 10% for aluminium in the December quarter. Despite rising costs in some operations, South32 remains optimistic about achieving solid margins from its diverse commodity portfolio.
Motley Fool contributor Aaron Shaw has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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