Iceni Gold Limited (ASX: ICL) Expands Guyer Gold Anomaly

Gold Anomaly Expansion

Iceni Gold Limited (ASX: ICL) has announced positive results from its fourth aircore drill campaign at the Guyer site within the 14 Mile Well Gold Project. The recent assays indicate that the coherent 6 km long bedrock gold anomaly at Guyer North now expands to a breadth of up to 1100m.

Multiple vertical hole intersections across nine drill traverses have outlined three substantial zones with over 0.5 g/t gold, each measuring 1500m long. Significant results include 8m at 0.98 g/t Au and 1m at 4.51 g/t Au, reinforcing the potential for a substantial bedrock gold system.

Future Exploration Plans

Iceni Gold’s exploration strategy continues with a major reverse circulation (RC) drilling programme scheduled to commence in February. This initiative follows a $35 million exploration Farm-In agreement with Gold Road Resources Limited (ASX: GOR). Iceni will manage the initial $5 million minimum expenditure aimed at evaluating the primary gold zones beneath the recently identified large footprint.

CEO Remarks

Wade Johnson, Managing Director of Iceni Gold, stated, ““The dimensions of the Guyer bedrock gold anomaly keep on expanding, with positive results from each successive aircore drilling campaign. At Guyer North we now have a large gold anomaly up to 1100m in width and at least 2500m long, that is part of a larger anomaly coincident with the granite greenstone contact that we have now outlined over 11kms. We are very pleased with the drill results from the fourth aircore drill program, which build upon previous results and now highlight three parallelstronger gold zones within the granitic bedrock west or near to the granite-greenstone contact…”

Key Financial and Operational Highlights

The recent results affirm that Guyer North hosts multiple zones of elevated mineralisation, chiefly in granite or granitic derivatives. With ongoing robust drilling results and upcoming RC drilling funded by Gold Road Resources, Iceni Gold is well-positioned for sustained exploration success.

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Motley Fool contributor Aaron Shaw has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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