Brockman Mining Limited (ASX:BCK) Quarterly Activities Report

Key Highlights

Brockman Mining Limited (ASX:BCK) and Mineral Resources Ltd (MinRes) are advancing the Marillana Project, following an Indicative Development Proposal. The joint venture focuses on studies and approvals for essential infrastructure including loading facilities, a haul road, a rail spur, and a new port at Port Hedland to facilitate product exports.

Project Developments

The farm-in and joint venture agreement between Brockman Iron Pty Ltd and Polaris Metals Pty Ltd formally established in 2021 now sees Polaris holding a 50% interest in the Marillana Project. MinRes has proposed several initiatives to support the joint venture, including funding for project capital costs and logistics solutions from mine to port.

Confirmatory studies indicate that a modified process flow sheet could enhance yields to over 45%, maintaining a product quality exceeding 61.5% Fe. Additionally, environmental management plans are being updated and significant community consultation has begun with Traditional Owners as required under new legislation.

Infrastructure Advancements

In November 2021, a significant agreement between MinRes and Hancock Prospecting was established to jointly investigate the development of a new iron ore export facility at Port Hedland. The Government of Western Australia subsequently allocated port capacity for the Marillana Project, supporting operational production requirements.

Brockman Mining is also developing a logistics solution to efficiently transport ore to port facilities, which is crucial for the project’s success.

Financial Position

As of 31 December 2024, Brockman Mining reported a consolidated cash position of HK$2.0 million. During the quarter, the company engaged in various operational costs without any mining production activities reported. Payments to related parties were disclosed, amounting to HK$1.0 million for executive fees.

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Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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