Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited (ASX:SUH) Reports High-Grade Drill Results

Drill Program Highlights

Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited (ASX: SUH) announced significant results from its 2024 drilling program at the Llahuin Copper-Gold-Moly Project in Chile. The campaign has successfully drilled 2,728 metres across 26 holes, with several notable intercepts augmenting the potential of the deposit.

Drilling results include high-grade holes such as 24LHRC065, which returned 105 metres at 0.64% CuEq from the surface, featuring intervals of 16 metres at 0.85% CuEq and 26 metres at 0.91% CuEq from 78 metres depth. Other impressive results include 81 metres at 0.49% CuEq from hole 24LHRC055 and 132 metres at 0.48% CuEq from 24LHRC058, both extending the known mineralization at Llahuin.

Further Exploration Plans

The Cerro-Ferro system’s strike has been extended by approximately 300 metres to a total of 2.2 kilometres, remaining open along strike. Southern Hemisphere Mining’s team plans to further diamond drill these promising zones in Q1 2025, with the aim of deepening their understanding of the resource and enhancing their mineral resource estimates due in H1 2025.

Mr. Mark Stowell, Chairman of Southern Hemisphere Mining, noted, “The results reinforce the large scale of the Llahuin Copper-Gold-Moly deposit, and open along strike both north and south. Mineralisation is from surface, optimum for open-pit mining configuration, and results will be particularly interesting as we diamond drill deeper.”

Water Source Verification

In addition to the drilling success, the water test results show a flow rate of 40 litres per minute from hole 24LHRC053, indicating positive prospects for future mining operations. This suggests the potential for a sustainable water source to support future development directly from the mine site.

Further diamond drilling will commence once assays from the remaining holes are received, with influential plans for resource growth and project advancement evident from the ongoing exploration.

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