Battery Age Minerals (ASX:BM8) Acquires Majority Interest in El Aguila Gold & Silver Project

Farm-In Agreement Details

Battery Age Minerals Ltd (ASX:BM8) has executed a Farm-In Agreement with Fredonia Mining Inc., enabling the company to earn up to 80% ownership of the El Aguila project in Argentina’s Santa Cruz province.

Project Overview

The El Aguila project encompasses 9,124 hectares in a highly productive mining region, contributing significantly to Argentina’s gold and silver exports. The project area is geologically favourable, situated in a “failed caldera” environment, indicating substantial gold and silver mineralisation potential.

Geological Potential

El Aguila hosts low-sulfidation epithermal quartz veins, stockworks, and breccias, with over 100 high-grade surface samples identified. Exceptional grades include up to 174.58 g/t Au and 4,739 g/t Ag, demonstrating the project’s capacity for large-scale, high-grade mineralisation.

Exploration Activities

Preliminary trenching, channel sampling, and drilling by past operators have revealed significant upside. Battery Age plans comprehensive mapping, geophysical surveys, soil sampling, and a maiden drilling campaign set for the second half of 2025.

Drilling Results

Drilling has identified high-grade intersections, including 0.55m at 40.55 g/t Au and 107 g/t Ag in DDA-08, and 7.00m at 2.48 g/t Au (including 1.7m at 9.02 g/t Au) in DDA-25. Nine unexplored targets suggest further potential.

Strategic Portfolio Expansion

The acquisition of the El Aguila Project expands Battery Age’s diverse portfolio, complementing existing assets like Falcon Lake Lithium in Canada and Bleiberg Germanium in Austria.

Financial Move: Equity Raising

Alongside the acquisition, Battery Age is conducting a capital raise, as announced in the recent Trading Halt. Further details will be provided to remove the trading halt pending the completion of the equity raising.

Executive Comments

CEO Nigel Broomham stated, “Securing the farm-in to earn up to 80% of the El Aguila project is a significant milestone for Battery Age, positioning us in one of Argentina’s most productive mining regions. We are excited to work closely with Fredonia Mining Inc. as we unlock the full potential of this asset.”

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