Aruma Resources Ltd (ASX:AAJ) Announces Multiple High-Grade Gallium Assay Results

High-Grade Gallium Assay Results

Aruma Resources Limited (ASX: AAJ) has announced multiple high-grade gallium assay results from its ongoing soil and rock chip sampling programs at the Saltwater Project in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The Talmine Prospect returned a total of 16 samples grading higher than 24g/t Ga₂O₃, including notable results of 136.05g/t, 60.87g/t, and 39.29g/t Ga₂O₃.

Geophysical Anomalies

The identified gallium in soil anomalies at both the Talmine and Terceira Prospects are also defined as geophysical anomalies. The soil anomaly at Terceira Prospect overlaps with a prominent magnetic and electromagnetic anomaly, creating a drill-ready target. Initial aircore drilling is planned pending the receipt of all necessary approvals.

Executive Comments

Grant Ferguson, Managing Director of Aruma Resources, stated, “Our latest phase of sampling has continued to deliver positive results and enhance the multi-commodity potential of the Saltwater Project. The identification of high-grade gallium, a high value-high demand critical mineral, at the Talmine Prospect will be followed up in our next phase of field work, as we seek to develop a comprehensive geological model for the Saltwater Project. At the Terceira Prospect our systematic approach has delivered an exciting well-supported drill-ready target, which is highly encouraging given the early stage of our exploration at the Saltwater Project. The results of field work have also provided strong support for our hypothesis for the potential for epithermal gold mineralisation and base metal mineralisation across the 67km length of the Saltwater Project area.”

Future Exploration Plans

Aruma Resources plans to conduct further field work in Q2 2025 as part of a comprehensive geological model evaluation for the Saltwater Project area. Ongoing activities include the analysis of high-resolution satellite and hyperspectral data, further mapping and ground truthing, structural analysis, and reprocessing of previous geophysical data to refine drill targets.

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Motley Fool contributor Lianne Eastty has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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