Western Mines Group Ltd (ASX:WMG) Reports Significant Sulphide Mineralisation in Mulga Tank Drilling

Geochemical Assay Results

Western Mines Group Ltd (ASX:WMG) announced final geochemical assay results for deep diamond hole MTD029 (EIS3) at the Mulga Tank Ni-Co-Cu-PGE Project. The results reveal four broad zones of disseminated nickel sulphide mineralisation, cumulatively exceeding 1,200 meters. Key intersections include 689 meters at 0.27% Ni, 133ppm Co, 71ppm Cu, and 19ppb Pt+Pd from 108 meters depth, and 266 meters at 0.34% Ni, 146ppm Co, 86ppm Cu, and 37ppb Pt+Pd from 1,192 meters. The hole reached a total depth of 1,722 meters, marking the deepest diamond drill hole through the Mulga Tank Complex.

Mineral System

The assay results confirm an extensive magmatic nickel sulphide mineral system within the Mulga Tank Complex, characterized by elevated levels of Ni and S, along with highly anomalous Cu and PGEs. The geological logging identified variably altered high MgO adcumulate dunite ultramafic rock, indicative of a hot dynamic system. Multiple intersections of high-tenor nickel sulphide veinlets and segregations were observed, supporting the presence of basal massive sulphide accumulations.

Future Exploration

Western Mines Group Ltd plans further exploration drilling to continue unlocking the potential of the Mulga Tank Complex. The company aims to develop an initial mineral resource for the shallow disseminated mineralisation and has commenced a second phase of metallurgical test work. Future drilling will focus on targeting basal massive sulphide zones and exploring shallow intervals for potential starter pit scenarios.

Executive Comments

Dr Caedmon Marriott, Managing Director of Western Mines Group Ltd, stated, “We’ve received the final assay results for deep diamond hole MTD029 (EIS3) and they show four broad zones of near continuous mineralisation down the hole, cumulatively over 1,247m. This highlights the scale of the shallow, open-pitable, upper most mineralisation and the strong potential for significant nickel sulphide deposits within the Mulga Tank Complex.”

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Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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