Blaze Minerals Limited (ASX:BLZ) Announces Drill Results at Ntungamo Project

Exploration Results

Blaze Minerals Limited has completed its first diamond drill hole NT-DD-001 to a depth of 387 meters at the Ntungamo Project in Uganda. Preliminary XRF analysis identified anomalous levels of rubidium (Rb), neodymium (Nd), and praseodymium (Pr), critical for technology and renewable energy sectors. Peak readings include 2471ppm Rb at 351 meters, 1151ppm Nd at 379 meters, and 810ppm Pr at 136 meters. Out of 462 XRF scans, 43 readings exceeded 1000ppm Rb, 151 exceeded 500ppm Nd, and 64 exceeded 500ppm Pr.

Drilling Campaign

The initial drilling program targets LCT-type pegmatites within a 60 km² area, with two pegmatites exceeding 140 meters in width. A handheld XRF analyser was used to scan core samples, guiding further laboratory analysis at ALS Johannesburg. Blaze has sent 100 core samples for full multi-element analysis and has received sample export approval for the Mityana drilling campaign. Additional drilling of five remaining holes is currently underway, with further updates forthcoming.

Executive Comments

Director Mathew Walker commented, “These early XRF results validate our targeting strategy at Ntungamo, with strong rubidium and REE indications across significant widths. We’re excited to accelerate sampling and drilling to unlock the project’s potential.”

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