Recharge Metals (ASX: REC) Commences IP Survey at Brandy Hill South
Induced Polarisation (IP) Survey Commenced
Recharge Metals Limited (ASX: REC) has commenced an Induced Polarisation (IP) survey at its Brandy Hill South Copper Project in Western Australia. The survey aims to refine drill targets by identifying sulphide-rich zones associated with copper mineralisation. This low-cost orientation IP survey will trial its effectiveness and may be expanded across the project upon success.
Previous Drilling Results
The IP survey builds on previous successful drilling results at Brandy Hill South, confirming significant copper mineralisation. Notable intersections include 33m @ 0.97% Cu from 59m, 77m @ 0.33% Cu from 209m, 52m @ 0.45% Cu from 54m including higher-grade intervals, and 22.5m @ 1.02% Cu from 375.5m. The copper mineralisation spans a strike length of over 500 metres and remains open along strike and at depth, supporting the evidence of a porphyry copper system.
Executive Comments
Managing Director Felicity Repacholi stated, “With strong results at Brandy Hill South, including 33m @ 0.97% copper, the commencement of this IP survey is an exciting step forward in our exploration efforts, and seeks to identify sulphide-rich zones that could host significant copper mineralisation. Copper is one of the key commodities in the global energy transition yet relatively few new projects have emerged in recent times. Should exploration be successful, we anticipate substantial interest in Brandy Hill South going forward. We are pleased to be undertaking work programs to advance our Brandy Hill South Project whilst we continue to progress work at our flagship Carter Uranium Project in the US, with plans to be drilling later in the year.”
Motley Fool contributor Lianne Eastty has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has recommended BHP Group. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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