TechGen Metals Limited (ASX:TG1) Identifies 19 High-Priority Targets at Copper Springs Project

New EM Targets Identified

TechGen Metals Limited has completed the final modelling of airborne EM and magnetics data from its Copper Springs Project. The analysis has identified nineteen high-priority targets, with sixteen in the western project area and three in the eastern area. These targets are located near the Savannah Nickel-Copper Mine, suggesting potential for similar mineralisation.

Strategic Highlights

The identified EM conductors are believed to represent intrusive magmatic or VMS-type massive sulphides. Notably, Target CSE_1 is adjacent to the Bulldust Flat mineral occurrence, where historical exploration identified significant copper and nickel concentrations. The next phase involves ground checking and surface sampling to define these targets further for drill testing.

Future Plans

TechGen Metals plans to initiate ground reconnaissance and additional sampling of the priority targets. This will help in verifying the EM conductors and potentially uncovering surface indications of mineralisation above the conductors.

Executive Comments

Managing Director Ashley Hood stated, “The TargetEM survey by Expert Geophysics Limited has been modelled in conjunction with Southern Geoscience Consultants and we are excited by the identification of highly encouraging mid and late time discrete conductors at the project that we are specifically targeting intrusive magmatic massive sulphides that are best known to host copper, nickel and platinum group elements in the Kimberley region. Despite the proximity of the project area to the Savannah Ni-Cu Mine (10km) the majority of E80/6059 has not previously been flown by any airborne EM systems. We are very happy with the survey results and now need to get into the field and ground check each of the targets just in case some surface indications of mineralisation above the EM conductors can be found. Of particular interest to me in the Eastern Project area is Target CSE_1 close to the Bulldust Flat Ni-Cu occurrence and in the Western Project area several EM conductors occur associated with distinct magnetic highs which look highly encouraging.”

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Motley Fool contributor Lianne Eastty has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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