Terra Metals Limited (ASX:TM1) Reports High-Grade Titanium and Metals Drilling Results at Dante Project

Drilling Results

Terra Metals Limited (ASX:TM1) announced new drilling results from Reef 1 North at the Dante Project, confirming high-grade titanium, copper, platinum group metals (PGMs), and vanadium from surface extensional drilling. The new drilling highlights extensive, thick titanium mineralisation in the hanging wall, with mineralisation now identified over approximately 4.2 kilometres from the surface. Notable intercepts include 79 metres with 8.8% TiO₂, 0.07 g/t PGE₃, 0.13% Cu, and 0.24% V₂O₅ in hole URC057, and 73 metres with 8.4% TiO₂, 0.08 g/t PGE₃, 0.12% Cu, and 0.23% V₂O₅ in hole URC058, among others. Additionally, a deep diamond hole drilled at the Cronus prospect intersected palladium and gold mineralisation over a 407.7-metre interval, indicating further potential for the Dante Project.

Future Plans

Assays are pending from a further 13 drillholes testing new infill zones at Reef 2. Terra Metals plans to continue infill and extensional reverse circulation (RC) drilling at Reef 1 North (Crius), Reef 2 (Hyperion), and Reef 1 South (Oceanus) to explore the scale and consistency of the mineralisation.

Executive Comments

Managing Director and CEO, Thomas Line, commented: “These extensional drilling results confirm the consistency and scale of high-grade titanium, copper, PGMs and vanadium mineralisation from surface at Reef 1 North, as well as confirming thick titanium mineralisation throughout the hanging wall at Reef 1 North. We now eagerly await the remaining drillholes from drill testing of new zones at Reef 2.”

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