Enero Group Limited (ASX:EGG) Announces OBMedia Leadership Transition

Leadership Transition

Enero Group Limited (ASX:EGG) has announced a leadership transition within its OBMedia business. Raja Gupta will no longer serve as CEO of OBMedia but will remain as a Board member.

Interim CEO Appointment

Mike Lynn, founder and current Chief Technology Officer (CTO), has been appointed as interim CEO of OBMedia effective immediately.

Executive Comments

Ian Ball, Chief Operating Officer of Enero, stated, “At Enero, we remain focused on strengthening the OBMedia business for the future and positioning it for long-term success in a dynamic market. As part of this evolution, Raja Gupta will no longer serve as CEO. Raja will continue to serve OBMedia as a Board member.”
Mike Lynn said, “I am honoured to step into the CEO role during an important transition period. OBMedia has a strong foundation and a talented team, and I am committed to continuing our focus on innovation and growth. I look forward to working closely with our employees, partners, and stakeholders to drive the business forward and achieve our long-term goals.”

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