Titan Minerals Limited (ASX:TTM) Reports Outstanding Drill Results from Dynasty Project

Outstanding Drill Results

Titan Minerals Limited has announced outstanding drill results from its Dynasty Gold Project in southern Ecuador. Extensional drilling returned 17.5m @ 2.5 g/t Au, 8.6 g/t Ag, including a high-grade zone of 5m @ 5.5 g/t Au, 10.7 g/t Ag at a depth of 374m, confirming a 150m depth extension below current resources. Additionally, a shallow high-grade result of 2.9m @ 21.9 g/t Au, 10.4 g/t Ag from 17.9m confirms an 80m lateral extension of shallow resources.

Resource Drilling Update

Titan Minerals Limited has completed 31 diamond drill holes for 7,780 metres of its 10,000m drilling program. Drilling at the Brecha-Comanche target has successfully intersected multiple significant wide and high-grade zones of epithermal vein and breccia hosted mineralisation, validating the potential to substantially grow the current 3.1 Moz gold and 22 Moz silver Mineral Resource. Due to high rainfall, the company has temporarily suspended drilling activities for 1-2 weeks to ensure safe working conditions.

Executive Comments

CEO Melanie Leighton commented, “Hole CVDD24-122 has been an incredibly successful hole for us, which we probed into the untested easternmost part of Brecha-Comanche. It has delivered multiple significant intersections from shallow depths while also highlighting the presence of wide, high-grade mineralisation at depth, confirming extensions up to 150 metres below current drill defined resources in an entirely untested area.”

“This result is a great reward for our efforts, validating our belief that the Dynasty gold system has the potential to grow substantially through targeted resource definition drilling. We now have a very good understanding of the geological controls at Dynasty, so can be very targeted in prioritising our resource growth efforts. We look forward to delivering further significant drill results as we work towards the Dynasty MRE update in mid-2025.”

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