Pantoro Limited (ASX:PNR) Reports First Pass Growth Drilling Results

Exploration Results

Pantoro Limited (ASX:PNR) announced positive initial results from the first phase of growth drilling at the Polar Bear peninsula, part of its Norseman Gold Project. The reverse circulation drilling targeted the Hinemoa Fault, covering approximately one kilometre of strike. The drilling confirmed high-grade mineralisation in several shallow-plunging shoots, similar to other productive areas within Norseman. Significant intercepts include 6 meters at 14.07 g/t Au from 30 meters and 1 meter at 24.5 g/t Au from 30 meters.

Drilling Highlights

The initial drilling program returned multiple zones of mineralisation, including:
– 6 m @ 14.07 g/t Au from 30 m
– 1 m @ 24.5 g/t Au from 30 m
– 6 m @ 3.56 g/t Au from 34 m
– 3 m @ 6.39 g/t Au from 51 m
– Additional intercepts at various depths with grades ranging from 1.78 g/t to 6.39 g/t Au
These results reinforce the strong potential for both open pit and underground mining in the area.

Future Plans

Pantoro plans to advance the resource at the Polar Bear deposit by conducting further drilling, including diamond drilling, to test the identified structures at greater depths. This follow-up drilling aims to better define the mineralisation and explore near-term mining opportunities.

Executive Comments

Managing Director Paul Cmrlec stated, “Initial results from Hinemoa are very encouraging, reinforcing the area’s strong potential for both open pit and underground mining. The geological similarities to other highly productive systems in the region are compelling. These initial results are from shallow depth and we look forward to further advancing the resource in this deposit as we continue to focus on near-term mining opportunities.”

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Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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