Top End Energy Limited (ASX:TEE) Selects First Well Site for Serpentine Project
Operational Progress
Top End Energy has selected the first well site for its Serpentine Natural Hydrogen Project in Kansas, USA, with additional targets under assessment. The company has secured surface use agreements and is engaging consultants for well design and data acquisition targeting a depth of 5,500 feet in the Precambrian basement.
Executive Comments
Luke Velterop, Vice President of U.S. Operations, stated, “I’m pleased to report that we have taken our first steps towards becoming drill-ready, with the selection of a highly prospective well site in Marshall County, nearby Koloma’s exploration wells. We’re encouraged by the release of key data, now made available by the Kansas regulator, including wireline logs, mud logs and drill stem tests from Koloma’s 2023/24 drilling program. This includes the Balsmeier, Carlson and Hedge Lawn wells, all within our immediate project area. As some of the world’s first targeted natural hydrogen wells, they provide valuable insights to refine our well design, drilling fluid systems and data acquisition strategy. With surface use agreements in place with our landowners, we can advance to site surveys and road access. I look forward to sharing further updates on this site and additional well locations shortly, once we reach our infill leasing target.”
Project Overview
Top End Energy holds exclusive rights to explore for and produce hydrogen and helium across more than 25,000 acres in Marshall, Riley, and Washington counties, Kansas. The company’s near-term objectives include increasing its strategic lease holding to 30,000 acres and advancing pre-drill preparations ahead of upcoming exploration by other operators in the region. An independent party will be appointed shortly to conduct a prospective resource assessment to quantify the scale of the opportunity and support prioritising drilling targets.
Motley Fool contributor Aaron Shaw has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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