BetMakers Technology Group Ltd (ASX:BET) Renews Partnership with UK Tote Group
Contract Details
BetMakers Technology Group Limited’s subsidiaries have renewed their agreement with UK Tote Group, extending the partnership until June 2029. The Quantum software will serve as the core wagering platform for Tote’s operations across British and Irish racecourses. The agreement is expected to generate at least approximately A$4.0 million per annum, comprising mixed variable and fixed fees.
Executive Comments
Phill Jones, Chief Product and Technology Officer at the UK Tote Group, stated, “BetMakers are excellent partners for the UK Tote, and we are excited to be renewing our partnership until 2029. The Quantum solution provided by BetMakers plays a critical role in how we host and deliver racing pools wagering across 85 racecourses in the UK and Ireland, both on course and via our Mobile Apps and Website. BetMakers digital expertise, commitment to continued innovation to support pools growth, alongside investment from the UK Tote, ensures we will continue to evolve the pool betting experience for customers in the UK and Ireland and partners around the world.”
Jake Henson, Chief Executive of BetMakers Technology Group, said, “BetMakers is delighted to be renewing our partnership with the UK Tote which is both an iconic brand and a key player in pool betting around the world. Central to this position has been the development of many key World Pool events which BetMakers and Global Tote proudly play an integral role in facilitating. Our team looks forward to working with the UK Tote Group to grow the reach of UK and Irish racing into new markets while enhancing the wagering experiences of existing partners. By leveraging the BetMakers network of global regulated racing partners we will deliver new liquidity to domestic pools and drive strong returns to racing.”
Motley Fool contributor Lianne Eastty has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has positions in and has recommended Betmakers Technology Group. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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