Olympio Metals Limited (ASX:OLY) Commences Drilling at Dufay Project

Drilling Commences at Dufay Project

Olympio Metals Limited (ASX:OLY) has commenced diamond drilling at the Dufay Project in Quebec, targeting the Dasserat Porphyry Au-Cu and Chevrier Copper Sulphide areas. The drilling program includes approximately 1,600m of testing, focusing on two high-priority targets within the well-endowed Cadillac Break regional structure.

Project Highlights

Ground EM traverses conducted in January 2025 confirmed an extensive historical IP anomaly over 1,200m strike at the Dasserat target, which is highly analogous to the nearby Galloway Au-Cu porphyry deposit containing over 1.4Moz of gold. The Chevrier prospect, mined briefly in the 1920s, shows copper grades up to 6.78% in historical rock chip samples and will be explored with three 400m drill holes.

Executive Comments

Olympio’s Managing Director, Sean Delaney, commented: “It is great to start our first drilling program at Dufay after acquiring the Project late last year. The Dasserat target extends for over 1200m of strike as defined by IP and EM anomalies, and represents a large, shallow porphyry Au-Cu target. The geological setting is very similar to the nearby Galloway Au-Cu deposit, yet surprisingly this target has never been drilled before. Geophysical modelling indicates the targets begin at shallow depth, and we are looking forward to seeing the first core from this exciting target.”

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