Prospech Limited (ASX:PRS) Reports High-Grade REE Assays at Korsnäs Project

Assay Results and Mineralisation

Prospech Limited has announced that the latest assays confirm the continuity and extent of high-grade Rare Earth Elements (REE) mineralisation within the Korsnäs project. The assays include numerous significant intercepts with high-grade up to 4.6% TREO. Heavy REE enrichment was notable, with Terbium (Tb₄O₇) up to 61.3 ppm and Dysprosium (Dy₂O₃) up to 234.2 ppm, enhancing the project’s strategic value. A total of 4,035 samples from 237 drill holes covering 6,453 metres of historic drilling have been completed. The previously reported Mineral Resource Estimate is being updated to support ongoing development and metallurgical studies. Consistent results confirm REE mineralisation continuity at depth and along strike, highlighting significant exploration upside potential.

Project Updates

Metallurgical studies are progressing, with recent visits to the University of Oulu testwork facilities as part of the REMHub project, an EU-backed initiative aimed at advancing REE processing technologies in Europe. Studies are also underway at GTK Mintek, the processing arm of the Geological Survey of Finland. An update on the metallurgical testwork will be released upon initial results in the near future.

Executive Comments

Managing Director Jason Beckton stated, “Korsnäs is now known as a significant REE project. The consistency of high-grade mineralisation, combined with heavy rare earth enrichment, is an exciting confirmation of the project’s strategic importance. With these final assays now received, we are now updating the Korsnäs Mineral Resource Estimate, providing a possible solution to the lack of REE supply in Europe. The scale and quality of the results announced over the past 24 months, strengthen our confidence in Korsnäs as a premier REE asset in Europe at a time of growing demand for secure, high-quality rare earth supply.”

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