Volt Resources Limited (ASX:VRC) Announces Remuneration Adjustments and Loan Restructure

Remuneration Adjustments

Volt Resources Limited has implemented temporary adjustments to executive remuneration for a six-month period, effective from 1 March 2025 to 31 August 2025. Executive Chairman Asimwe Kabunga’s director and consulting fees will decrease from A$15,000 to A$4,500 per month, to be paid in equity. CEO and Managing Director Prashant Chintawar’s consulting fees will reduce from US$26,750 to US$18,750 per month, with 50% paid in equity and 50% in cash. Additionally, Non-Executive Director Dominic Virgara’s fees will increase from A$2,000 to A$4,500 per month, paid in equity. These adjustments are expected to result in a net expenditure reduction of approximately A$249,600 annually. Shareholder approval is required for the issuance of ordinary shares in lieu of cash payments.

Loan Restructure

The company has restructured a A$250,000 loan facility provided by Peter & Elaine Notman, Dominic Virgara, and Ven Capital. The loan, originally set to expire in November 2024 with a 10% fixed coupon, has been extended by 12 months with a reduced interest rate of 7% per annum (non-compounding). If the loan is not repaid by November 2025, the outstanding amounts will be converted into fully paid ordinary shares at A$0.0026 per share, subject to shareholder approval under ASX Listing Rule 10.11.

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