Qoria (ASX:QOR) Secures Strategic Partnership with Ohio Education Council

Strategic Partnership

Qoria has been selected as a preferred technology provider by the Management Council of the Ohio Education Computer Network. This partnership makes Qoria’s suite of online safety and student wellbeing services available across Ohio with assured pricing, service, and support.

Services Offered

Through this agreement (1-year term), Ohio school districts will access Qoria’s solutions, including Filtering, Classroom Management, Monitoring, Community and Student Wellbeing Measurement, with transparent pricing and dedicated support.

Executive Comments

Jordan Vandyke, vice president of sales, east, at Linewize, stated, “Partnering with the Management Council has been a strategic initiative at Qoria for several years. We are excited about the partnership and the opportunity for school districts in Ohio to take advantage of Linewize’s student safety platform.”
Geoffrey Andrews, chief executive officer of the Management Council, noted, “We’re excited to share this new partnership, leveraging our strengths to better support Ohio’s learners, teachers, and leaders. Together we are sustaining our commitment to protect Ohio’s schools from cyber threats, creating a more secure future for education in our state.”

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