Tivan Limited (ASX:TVN) Achieves High-Purity Vanadium Electrolyte Specification
Vanadium Electrolyte Testwork Program
Tivan Limited has successfully completed its vanadium electrolyte (VE) testwork program using vanadiferous titanomagnetite (VTM) ore from Speewah. The VE met the high-purity specifications set by Sumitomo Electric Industries, a Japanese manufacturer of large-scale vanadium flow batteries.
Vanadium Salt Roasting Testwork
The vanadium salt roasting testwork program demonstrated that Speewah VTM ore is highly amenable to salt roasting processing technology. Tivan achieved a high-purity vanadium pentoxide (V₂O₅) with 99.86% purity without using solvent extraction, which was utilised in the VE preparation and testing at the University of New South Wales.
Electrochemical Performance
The V₂O₅ produced from Speewah ore exhibited nearly identical electrochemical performance to a commercial V₂O₅ sample. This indicates that the vanadium electrolyte derived from Speewah ore is suitable for production and supports Tivan’s strategy to become Australia’s leading supplier of high-purity VE for both local and global markets.
Future Steps
Tivan will use the testwork results to assess two vanadium processing technology pathways for the Speewah Vanadium Project: a strategic partnership under TIVAN+ with CSIRO and a conventional salt roast processing flowsheet. The company plans to engage in discussions with Sumitomo Electric Industries and Sumitomo Corporation regarding project development and commercialisation of vanadium flow batteries in Australia.
Executive Comments
Executive Chairman Mr Grant Wilson stated, “Tivan has completed two major testwork programs this week that confirm Speewah’s status as Australia’s premier dual-resource critical minerals project. With neither Fluorite or Vanadium in domestic production, the opportunity Tivan has to advance a staged-development project is unique and strongly aligned with the Australian Government’s Critical Minerals Strategy and National Battery Strategy. Our Vanadium testwork program has confirmed the exceptional amenability of Speewah ore to traditional salt roast technology and the resulting vanadium electrolyte has now met the demanding specification provided by Sumitomo Electric Industries. Speewah has been confirmed as a unique sovereign endowment, ideally placed as a secure source of supply for Australia’s long-duration energy storage requirements. This news will be well received in Japan, where the technical and commercialisation challenges for Vanadium Flow Batteries are well understood. We extend sincere thanks and congratulations to Professor Maria and her team at UNSW in achieving this important milestone.”
Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has recommended BHP Group. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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