Immutep Limited (ASX:IMM) Initiates Phase III Trial for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Trial Initiation

Immutep Limited dosed its first patient in the pivotal TACTI-004 Phase III trial for advanced non-small cell lung cancer at Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital in Australia. The global trial will enrol approximately 756 patients across more than 150 clinical sites in over 25 countries.

Executive Comments

CEO Marc Voigt stated, “Dosing the first patient in our pivotal Phase III trial ranks among the most significant milestones in the Company’s history. We are excited about the potential of the TACTI-004 study to deliver a new standard-of-care therapy for patients with metastatic or advanced non-small cell lung cancer that includes efti in combination with KEYTRUDA. If successful, the study will result in a clinically meaningful and statistically improved survival benefit and thus could potentially be practice changing.”

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