Patriot Battery Metals Inc. (ASX:PMT) Discovers New Spodumene Pegmatite Cluster

New Spodumene Pegmatite Cluster Discovered

Patriot Battery Metals Inc. has announced the discovery of a significant spodumene pegmatite cluster named CV15 at its Shaakichiuwaanaan Property in Quebec, Canada. The CV15 discovery features outcrop sample assays of 2.11% Li₂O, 1.55% Li₂O, and 1.02% Li₂O, with multiple pegmatite outcrops identified over a 400 m x 200 m area.

Mickel Trend Extended

The CV15 discovery extends the Mickel Trend by approximately 1.9 km, reaching a total length of ~5.5 km, surpassing the CV5 Pegmatite’s 4.6 km. This extension highlights the expansive scale and prospectivity of the Shaakichiuwaanaan Property, indicating substantial upside for further discoveries.

Additional Mineralised Outcrops and Boulders

The 2024 exploration campaign also uncovered a new LCT pegmatite outcrop approximately 525 m from the CV8 Spodumene Pegmatite, with sample assays including 2,282 ppm Ta₂O₅. Moreover, multiple subangular spodumene pegmatite boulders were found northwest and southeast of the CV5 Deposit, suggesting potential for additional spodumene pegmatites beneath glacial till cover.

Executive Comments

Darren L. Smith, Vice President of Exploration, stated, “The 2024 surface campaign at Shaakichiuwaanaan has delivered significant results which continue to demonstrate that we have still only scratched the surface in terms of the Property’s broader exploration potential. The discovery of another new spodumene pegmatite occurrence at CV15 – along the prospective Mickel Trend, which encompasses CV9, CV10, CV14, and CV15 – represents another exciting opportunity for the Company.”

He added, “We are eager to follow-up this discovery with systematic surface exploration, including channeling and mapping, as the Mickel Trend has now been extended by ~1.9 km, from ~3.6 km to ~5.5 km. Coupled with the numerous spodumene pegmatite boulders over the Property, these discoveries highlight the extensive nature of the spodumene mineralized system at Shaakichiuwaanaan. There remains strong potential for additional discoveries.”

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Motley Fool contributor Lauren Surplice has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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