Resolution Minerals (ASX:RML) Acquires High-Grade Antimony-Gold Portfolio
Key Acquisitions
Resolution Minerals Ltd (ASX:RML) has entered into a binding agreement to acquire three antimony, gold, and copper-focused projects in New South Wales and Queensland, including the Drake East Antimony-Gold Project, Neardie Antimony Project, and Spur South Gold-Copper Project. These acquisitions provide the company with strategic exposure to high-grade antimony and gold mineralisation across approximately 194 square kilometres.
Project Highlights
The Drake East Project in NSW hosts high-grade antimony, gold, and silver mineralisation with peak values of 5.72% Sb, 60.9 g/t Au, and 214 g/t Ag. Neardie Project in QLD includes three past-producing antimony mines with peak antimony grades of 19.5%. Spur South Project in NSW is located within the highly mineralised Macquarie Arc region, hosting significant gold-copper opportunities.
Funding and Future Plans
Resolution Minerals has sufficient funds from recent capital raising activities to acquire these projects and conduct planned LiDAR reprocessing and interpretation studies. The company plans to initiate systematic exploration programs, including geophysical surveys, geochemical sampling, and drilling campaigns to evaluate the mineral potential of the new projects.
Executive Comments
Executive Director Aharon Zaetz stated, “This acquisition marks a pivotal moment for Resolution Minerals, offering a unique opportunity to broaden our multi-commodity exploration activities in two of Australia’s most promising and proven regions for antimony, gold, silver and copper. The Neardie, Spur South and Drake East projects present exciting prospects that align with our strategy to unlock value from underexplored, high-potential assets. We were able to secure the project portfolio for a very attractive price, with the vendors agreeing to take majority of their consideration in equity in RML. Global demand for antimony is rising quickly, and combined with supply shortage concerns, this has resulted in record-high prices of over US$50,000 per tonne for the commodity. With these projects in hand, RML is now poised to create substantial value for our shareholders and advance these projects toward their full potential.”
Motley Fool contributor Abbie Stokes has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has recommended BHP Group. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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