James Bay Minerals (ASX:JBY) Commences Drilling at Independence Project
Drilling Mobilisation Initiated
James Bay Minerals (ASX:JBY) has commenced drilling mobilisation for its 2025 program at the Independence Gold Project. The exploration team has mobilised to the site to begin a 4,000m reverse circulation (RC) drill program, targeting extensions of the existing 419.6koz AuEq near-surface Resource along the newly identified 1.3km Rebel Trend.
Rebel Trend Targets High-Grade Mineralisation
The Rebel Trend, spanning 1.3km, has yielded nine surface rock chip samples grading above 5.0g/t Au, with peak assays reaching 16.6g/t Au, indicating robust surface mineralisation. Initial drilling in Drillhole AGEI-65 intersected 18.3m @ 1.0g/t Au from 36.6m, including 3.1m @ 2.7g/t Au, confirming a 520m up-dip extension of the gold mineralisation beyond the current resource estimate.
Contractor and Future Plans
Alford Drilling has been selected as the drilling contractor to complete the 2025 drilling at the Independence Project. The Rebel Trend, dipping west beneath the current resource, presents significant surface growth opportunities. The project currently holds a JORC Mineral Resource Estimate of 1.4Moz AuEq, encompassing both near-surface and skarn mineralisation.
Executive Comments
Matthew Hayes, Executive Director of James Bay Minerals, stated, “JBY is excited to start drilling for the 2025 season at the Independence Gold Project, following a JORC Mineral Resource Estimate of 1.4Moz. Initial drilling will focus on expanding near-surface mineralisation along the 1.3km Rebel Trend, discovered in late 2024. A previous RC hole returned 18m at 1.0g/t Au, extending mineralisation 520m up-dip at more than double the grade. This opens up significant growth potential, especially beneath high-grade rock samples up to 16.6g/t Au on Rebel Peak.”
Motley Fool contributor Aaron Shaw has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.
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