SIV Capital Limited (ASX:SIV) Trading Suspension Update
SIV Capital Limited informs shareholders about a trading suspension and the ASX’s decision on its extension request.
The Hub of Australian Finance News
SIV Capital Limited informs shareholders about a trading suspension and the ASX’s decision on its extension request.
DEXUS Convenience Retail REIT announces a distribution of AUD 0.05138 per unit, payable on February 20, 2025.
Dexus Convenience Retail REIT reports a $5.4 million valuation uplift, boosting NTA by four cents per security.
Race Oncology Ltd announces a $5.25 million R&D tax refund to advance clinical development efforts for RC220.
Tungsten Mining NL has completed the acquisition of the Mt Mulgine Project, enhancing its exploration capabilities for multiple minerals.
ARGO INVESTMENTS LIMITED (ASX:ARG) has initiated an on-market buy-back program for up to 38 million ordinary shares to enhance capital management.
Adacel Technologies Limited (ASX: ADA) announces contracts worth USD$4.6 million to enhance air traffic management and simulation systems.
360 Capital Group (ASX:TGP) cancels 12 million LTI securities and revises the STI program to improve alignment with its growth strategy.
Medallion Metals Limited (ASX:MM8) announces promising results from its Scoping Study for the Ravensthorpe Gold Project, showcasing a compelling production opportunity.
Cobalt Blue Holdings (ASX:COB) updates on the Kwinana Cobalt Refinery progress and a new partnership with Ecobatt.